SALSIFY 'Mammoth Sandwich Island' / Oyster Plant seeds

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Salsify 'Mammoth Sandwich Island'

also called Oyster plant or Goatsbeard

approx. 30+ seeds

This is an unusual and ancient plant with a variety of uses. The primary use is that the long parsnip like root can be grated for salads, or used in stews and soups. The root is said to have an unusual oyster like taste and the roots don't store well so are best used fresh. The sprouted seeds can be used like cress, the flowers can be used in salads and the young stems and shoots can be used like asparagus.

Sowing time - Best planted in cooler climates, sow in spring.

Prefer sunny position, sow 6mm deep, germination can be erratic but at 10-20 degrees C emerges 21days

Harvest roots in about late Autumn and winter.